Foot Tracing Guidelines
Remote Fitting | Foot Tracing Template | Foot Tracing Guidelines | Foot Measurement Guidelines
If you need to send us tracings of your feet to have us recommend a shoe style and size, please consider using our Foot Tracing Template, which requires a printer. If you don't have a printer but do have A4 paper, please use the following process. If you have neither, use the Foot Measurement Guidelines.
Place a white A4 sheet of paper on a hard floor. Stand or sit with your weight distributed as evenly as possible between both feet.
Keep a pen or pencil as close as possible to vertical while tracing around your foot as closely as possible. Do this for both feet.
Then use a ruler to draw a line along the longest part of the foot on the tracing, and then another line across the widest part of the foot. Measure each line in centimetres to one decimal point and write the measurement in. Do this for both feet, since feet often differ in their measurements.
Write your name, phone number and the date on both, and write LEFT on the left foot tracing and RIGHT on the right foot tracing.
If possible, use a scanner to create a JPEG, PNG or PDF image of each piece of paper. If you don't have a scanner, please take a clear, well-lit and well-focused photo of the paper from directly above. Send the scans or photos to us as attachments using the form or email address shown on our Contact page. Make sure you mention the purpose of the tracing with your message (eg for a style/size recommendation) and any comments you have about types or style names of footwear that interests you. If naming shoes from our website, be sure to include both the brand and style and, if you have a preference, the colour. For example: "Klouds (brand) Ying (style) Navy" or "Cabello (brand) EG18 (style) Taupe". Colour options are shown within each shoe style's product page.
If you can't send scans of your tracings by email, post the paper copies to Just Comfort Shoes, 155 Brisbane Rd, Mooloolaba QLD 4557.
We look forward to providing you with a footwear recommendation soon.